Il De episcoporum transmigratione, le decretali pseudo-isidoriane e i dibattiti sul trasferimento e la deposizione dei vescovi tra la metà del IX e l’inizio del X secolo
Giulia Co
Giulia Cò, “Il De episcoporum transmigratione, le decretali pseudo-isidoriane e i dibattiti sul trasferimento e la deposizione dei vescovi tra la metà del IX e l’inizio del X secolo”, Mélanges de l’École française de Rome – Moyen Âge [En ligne], 132-1 | 2020, mis en ligne le 02 avril 2020, consulté le 10 avril 2020. URL : ; DOI :
The De episcoporum transmigratione is a short canonical collection, composed of excerpts from the Pseudo-Isidorian forgeries, chronicles and letters; probably compiled during a conflict between bishops, this canonical collection provides its own systematic response and interpretation of the canonical legitimacy about the translation of a bishop from one seat to another and describes the process against a prelate accused of some crime. In this paper, in addition to a brief description of the ecclesiological argumentations contained in the text, the previous attribution and dating will be discussed and the structure of the canonical collection, the sources used by the compiler and the methods for selecting the extracts will be presented.
Keywords: Medieval canon law; canonical collections; Pseudo-Isidorian forgeries; episcopal translations; episcopal depositions
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Camille Rouxpetel (10 avril 2020). Il De episcoporum transmigratione, le decretali pseudo-isidoriane e i dibattiti sul trasferimento e la deposizione dei vescovi tra la metà del IX e l’inizio del X secolo. Les normes et les pratiques du religieux entre Orient et Occident (IXe-XIXe siècle). Consulté le 11 octobre 2024 à l’adresse