Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th centuries). Bibliographie sélective

Bibliographie essentielle en lien avec la Journée d’études Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th centuries)

  • Pour un aperçu sur le débat historiographique autour de la “Confessionnalisation”:

Ute Lotz-Heumann, “The Concept of “Confessionalization”: a Historiographical Paradigm in Dispute”, in Memoria y Civilización, 4, 2001, pp. 93-114.

Thomas A. Brady, “Confessionalization: the Career of a Concept”, in: J. M. Headley, H. J. Hillerbrand, A. J. Papalas (eds.), Confessionalization in Europe, 1555-1700: Essays in Honor and Memory of Bodo Nischan, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, pp. 1-20.

Heinz Schilling, “Confessionalization: Historical and Scholarly Perspectives of a Comparative and Interdisciplinary Paradigm”, in: Confessionalization in Europe, 1555-1700, cit, pp. 21-36.

  • “Sunnitisation”  et “Confessionnalisation” ottomane :

Tijana Krstić, “Illuminated by the Light of Islam and the Glory of the Ottoman Sultanate: Self-Narratives of Conversion to Islam in the Age of Confessionalization”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 51 (2009), p. 35–63; Eadem, Contested Conversions to Islam. Narratives of Religious Change in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, Stanford 2011.

Derin Terzioglu, “How to Conceptualize Ottoman Sunnitization: A Historiographical Discussion”, Turcica, 44 (2012-2013), p. 301-338; Eadem, “Where ʻİlm-i Ḥāl Meets Catechism: Islamic Manuals of Religious Instruction in the Ottoman Empire in the Age of Confessionalization”, Past and Present, 220 (2013), p. 79-114.

Nathalie Clayer,  Mystiques, État et société. Les Halvetis dans l’aire balkanique de la fin du XVe siècle à nos jours, Leyden 1994.

  • Construction des identités confessionnelles des chrétiens orientaux et relations entre patriarcats et autorités ottomanes :

Bernard Heyberger, Les Chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholique, Rome 1994.

Aurélien Girard, Le christianisme oriental (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles). Essor de l’orientalisme catholique en Europe et construction des identités confessionnelles au Proche-Orient, PhD thesis defended in 2011 at the École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Elif Bayraktar Tellan, The Patriarch and the Sultan: The Struggle for Authority and the Quest for Order in the Eighteenth Century Ottoman Empire, PhD thesis defended at Bilkent University in 2011.

Hasan Ҫolak, The Orthodox Church in the Early Modern Middle East: Relations between the Ottoman central administration and the patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria, Ankara 2015.

Cesare Santus, Trasgressioni necessarie. Communicatio in sacris, collaborazioni e conflitti tra le comunità cristiane orientali (Levante e Impero ottomano, XVII-XVIII secolo), PhD thesis defended in joint supervision by the Scuola Normale of Pisa and the EPHE of Paris, 2015.

  • Les juifs du Proche-Orient entre influences ottomanes et européennes

Avigdor Levy (ed.), The Jews of the Ottoman Empire, Princeton 1994.

Yaron Ben-Naeh, Jews In the Realm of the Sultans: Ottoman Jewry in the Seventeenth Century, Tübingen 2008 (original hebrew edition: 2006).

Cengiz Sisman, The Burden of Silence. Sabbatai Sevi and the Evolution of the Ottoman-Turkish Dönmes, New York 2015.

Roni Weinstein, Kabbalah and Jewish Modernity, Portland 2016 (original hebrew edition: 2011).



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Camille Rouxpetel (29 août 2018). Building Confessional Identities in the Ottoman Empire (16th-18th centuries). Bibliographie sélective. Les normes et les pratiques du religieux entre Orient et Occident (IXe-XIXe siècle). Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Camille Rouxpetel

Camille Rouxpetel Projet ERC EuQu-CRHIA-université de Nantes, ancien Florence Gould Fellow à la Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies et ancien membre scientifique de l'École française de Rome, section Moyen Âge Docteur en histoire de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne

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