Camille Rouxpetel
Laurent Tatarenko
Camille Rouxpetel
Laurent Tatarenko
Carnet dédié à la construction, sur le temps long, des cadres normatifs des populations chrétiennes de l’espace européen et méditerranéen.
Comment se construisent, sur le temps long, les cadres normatifs des populations chrétiennes de l’espace européen et méditerranéen ? Cette enquête examinera dans une perspective croisée les rapports entre les traditions « latine », « grecque » et « orientales », souvent renégociés à travers des ajustements complexes des pratiques et sous l’influence de pouvoirs politiques – catholiques, orthodoxes, protestants ou islamiques – concurrents. L’objectif sera de saisir les circulations entre les différents modèles qui ont façonné ou refaçonné à différentes échelles les frontières des communautés par les phénomènes de concurrence, de rejet ou de mimétisme.
The overarching question of this research is to examine what were the defining categories and characteristics of Christian populations in European and Mediterranean lands, when considered over the thousand years between the ninth and the nineteenth centuries. This programme’s approach tries to look beyond the traditional divisions of the ‘Latin’, ‘Greek’ and ‘Eastern’ Christian traditions, divisions stemming from the complexities of regulating religious practice in different contexts, and under the influence of different and competing political powers – Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant or Islamic. Its goal is to capture and to present important elements of the exchanges between European and Mediterranean Christian communities, whose differing beliefs and practices – the products of competition with, rejection of and imitation of other Christian and non-Christian practices and beliefs – have fashioned and helped to formalize, at various institutional and popular levels, these communities’ distinguishing characteristics.
Come si costruiscono, sul lungo termine, i quadri normativi delle popolazioni cristiane dello spazio europeo e mediterraneo?La nostra indagine prenderà in esame, con una prospettiva che incrocia il rapporto tra le tradizioni “latino”, “greco” e “orientale”, rapporto spesso rinegoziato attraverso regolazioni complesse delle pratiche e sotto l’influenza dei poteri politici – cattolici, ortodossi, protestanti o islamici – concorrenti. L’obiettivo sarà quello di catturare gli scambi tra i diversi modelli che hanno fatto o rimodellato, a diverse scale, i confini delle comunità dai fenomeni di concorrenza, di rifiuto o di mimica.
Carnet dédié à la construction, sur le temps long, des cadres normatifs des populations chrétiennes de l’espace européen et méditerranéen
Carnet devoted to the long-term construction of the defining categories and characteristics of Christian populations in European and Mediterranean lands
Carnet dedicato alla costruzione dei quadri normativi delle popolazioni cristiane dello spazio europeo e mediterraneo